Story of company

Story of company

ABRA was established in 1996 in Opole and its main activity is centered around stone branch.
ABRA achieved its current position by introducing many innovative technologies in stone processing, cooperating with the best suppliers of subassemblies as well as by presenting its products at the largest stone fairs.

Who are we today?

At present, ABRA is providing stone plants with tools and consumables for stone processing and systems for making lettering and funeral images. The company itself is a manufacturer of sandblasting machines called Sandmaster and manual milling machines for stone processing – TYTAN. What is more, we offer phototechnology-related services which is an advanced method allowing for sandblasting any motif, design or a picture in stone.

What makes us different from the rest?

Thanks to many years in business, experience and investing in the most advanced technologies, we produce machines and devices which are both highly efficient and, at the same time, environmentally and user-friendly.

What about the future?

Competitiveness of ABRA is proven by the fact that our products are sold to countries in the whole world: Norway, Lithuania, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, India, the RSA and the USA. Success in these countries is just the beginning of our expansion into other markets.